Mathematical Council of the Americas
The network for professional mathematical societies and research institutes based in the Americas
Promoting the development of Mathematics, in all its aspects, throughout the continent.
Latest news
MCA 2025: Applications for Special Sessions open until May 31, 2024
The MCA aims to highlight recent mathematical achievements in the Americas and foster collaborations among researchers, students, institutions, and mathematical associations in the Americas. Special Sessions in the Mathematical Congress of the Americas (MCA) bringing together 8-16 speakers from across the Americas will form the scaffolding for these interactions.
Five EMALCA Schools supported by MCA in 2023
EMALCA (Escuela de Matemáticas de América Latina y El Caribe) is a school on mathematics periodically organized by UMALCA (Unión Matemática de América Latina y el Caribe – Mathematical Union of Latin America and the Caribbean) in different countries of Latin America...
Prize winners at the MCA 2021
The Americas Prize, the Solomon Lefschetz Medal and the MCA Prize winners were announced at the Mathematical Congress of the Americas MCA 2021.