
of the Mathematical Council of the Americas

MCofA Co-sponsored activities

MCofA Workshops

The MCofA  gives scientific sponsorship to workshops co organized by two different Institutes or Societies that are members of the MCofA.

Request for MCofA sponsorship should be sent to and should contain the title of the workshop, the names of the main organizers at each institute, the location at which the workshop will take place, approximately the number of participants from each institute, the expected dates of the workshop and any relevant information concerning bilateral cooperation.

Once the Executive committee of the MCofA approves sponsorship, details of the workshop will be posted on the MCofA web site and circulated to all members of the MCofA.

Please note that MCofA sponsorship does not imply any MCofA financial support for the workshops. However the organizers are encouraged to use the fact of MCofA sponsorship to assist with their efforts to obtain external financial support where this is relevant.

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