This workshop will be held at Melia Varadero Hotel in Varadero, Cuba between June 11-15, 2018.

About The Workshop

There is a growing interest in applied mathematics and computational science in the Americas, and a parallel growth in the use of mathematical and computer modeling to help solve both industrial and societal problems. A key goal of this workshop is to bring together practicing applied mathematicians and computational scientists to exchange the latest research information and to promote outreach for creating computational science and applied mathematics networks in Latin America.


The objective of these workshops is to promote cooperative research activities based on international collaboration and to promote the development of applied mathematics and computational science in Latin America. To accomplish these goals, we must bring together practicing applied mathematicians and computational scientists in the Americas to exchange research information, and create a forum for researchers to refine, enhance and implement research activities. We will continue to center our attention in areas of applied and computational mathematics, such as, computational fluid dynamics, numerical optimization, high-performance computing, grid generation, computer algebra, and dynamical systems aimed to evaluate data related to areas of environmental, social and economic development in the Americas.

Who Should Attend?

This workshop is set to bring together a diverse population of applied computational scientists, mathematicians and students with interdisciplinary interests.

More information

Workshop website