
The Mathematical Council of the Americas

Nature and purpose

The Mathematical Council of the Americas (MCofA) is a network for professional mathematical societies and research institutes based in the Americas, dedicated to promoting the development of Mathematics, in all its aspects, throughout the continent. As a continental collaborative effort, special attention is given to cooperating with UMALCA – Mathematical Union for Latin America and the Caribbean.

The MCofA aims to highlight the excellence of mathematical achievements in the Americas within the context of the international arena and to foster the scientific integration of all mathematical communities in the continent.

Main activities

The MCofA organizes a quadrennial Mathematical Congress of the Americas, in rotating countries in the continent.

The MCofA promotes and collaborates with other initiatives aiming to advance the development of Mathematics and the cooperation among mathematicians in the continent.

MCA creation at IMPA, 2011.

MCA creation at IMPA, Brazil, 2011.

Governing bodies


The Council is the main decision body

  • It sets the strategic goals of the MCofA.
  • It elects the Executive Committee.
  • It approves the membership dues, upon recommendation of the Executive Committee.
  • It approves the site and host institution of the Mathematical Congress of the Americas, upon recommendation of the Executive Committee.

The Council is formed by

a) The designated representatives of the Regular Members, each carrying one vote.

b) The designated representatives of the Associate Members and the Institutional Members, without vote.

The Council meets in person once every 4 (four) years, at least, in conjunction with the Mathematical Congress of the Americas.

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee is the main executive body

  • It presides over and implements the decisions of the Council.
  • It makes a recommendation to the Council on the memberships dues.
  • It has the responsibility of overseeing and reporting to the Council on the finances of the MCofA.
  • It calls for bids to hold the Mathematical Congress of the Americas and makes a recommendation to the Council on the site and host organization of the Congress.
  • It acts as the Steering Committee of the Mathematical Congress of the Americas, in particular, appointing the Program Committee and the Awards Committee.
  • It appoints any other committees relevant to the activities of the MCofA.

Currently, the Executive Committee is formed by

  • Gregório Bessa (Brazil)
  • Stephen Cantrell (USA)
  • Susan Friedlander (USA)
  • Jacques Hurtubise (Canada)
  • Andrés Navas (Chile)

The Executive Committee is formed by 4 (four) members elected by the Council, with staggered 4 (four) year terms, together with 1 (one) member designated by the host organization of the forthcoming Mathematical Congress of the Americas.



1. Nature

The MCofA is a network for professional mathematical societies and research institutes based in the Americas, dedicated to promoting the development of Mathematics, in all its aspects, throughout the continent. As a continental collaborative effort, special attention will be given to cooperating with UMALCA – Mathematical Union for Latin America and the Caribbean.


2. Purpose

The MCofA aims to highlight the excellence of mathematical achievements in the Americas within the context of the international arena and to foster the scientific integration of all mathematical communities in the continent.


3. Activities

3.1 The MCofA will organize a quadrennial Mathematical Congress of the Americas, in rotating countries in the continent.

3.2 The MCofA will promote, or collaborate with, other initiatives aiming to advance the development of Mathematics and the cooperation among mathematicians in the continent.


4. Membership

4.1 Application for membership is open to societies and institutes based in the Americas, which are primarily dedicated to Mathematics, support the goals of the MCofA and admit their individual members without discrimination. Membership applications should be submitted to the Executive Committee for evaluation.

4.2 There are 3 (three) categories of members: Regular Members (consisting of Large Societies and  Small Societies), Associate Members and Institutional Members.

4.3 The Regular Members are:

  • Large societies (>1,000 members), with 3 (three) designated representatives in the Council.
  • Small societies (<1,000 members), with 1 (one) designated representative in the Council.

4.4 The Associate Members are small mathematical societies in mathematically less developed countries, currently unable to sustain the financial burden of Regular Membership. Associate Members  pay no dues and may designate a non-voting representative in the Council. They should apply for Regular Membership within 8 (eight) years from their first association to MCofA.

4.5 Institutional Members are research institutes. They designate a non-voting member in the Council.


5. Dues

5.1 The membership dues of Regular Members and Institutional Members are set by the Council, upon recommendation of the Executive Committee. Normally, the dues for the Small Societies and for the Institutional Members are 1/3 (one third) of those of the Large Societies.

5.2 Membership dues are paid to a bank account designated by the Executive Committee.

5.3 Regular Members with 2 (two) or more years in arrears will have their voting privileges suspended.


6. Council

6.1 The Council is the main decision body:

  • It sets the strategic goals of the MCofA and reviews their implementation.
  • It elects the Executive Committee.
  • It approves the membership dues, upon recommendation of the Executive Committee.
  • It approves the site and host institution of the Mathematical Congress of the Americas, upon recommendation of the Executive Committee.

6.2 The Council is formed by

  • The designated representatives of the Regular Members, each carrying one vote.
  • The designated representatives of the Associate Members and the Institutional Members, without vote.

6.3 The Council meets in person once every 4 (four) years, at least, in conjunction with the Mathematical Congress of the Americas. Physical or virtual meetings will take place annually at which the Executive Committee will consult with and report to the Council. Physical or virtual meetings can be convened at any time by the Executive Committee or at the demand of 1/4 (one quarter) of the Regular Members.


7. Executive Committee

7.1 The Executive Committee is the main executive body:

  • It presides over and implements the decisions of the Council.
  • It makes a recommendation to the Council on the memberships dues.
  • It has the responsibility of overseeing and reporting to the Council on the finances of the MCofA.
  • It calls for bids to hold the Mathematical Congress of the Americas and makes a recommendation to the Council on the site and host organization of the Congress.
  • It acts as the Steering Committee of the Mathematical Congress of the Americas, in particular, appointing the Program Committee and the Awards Committee. It has the discretion to appoint guests to serve on the Steering Committee.
  • It appoints any other committees relevant to the activities of the MCofA.

7.2 The Executive Committee is formed by 5 (five) members elected by the Council, with staggered 4 (four) year terms, together with 1 (one) member designated by the host organization of the forthcoming Mathematical Congress of the Americas.

7.3 No person will be elected to serve in the Executive Committee for more than 2 (two) consecutive terms.

7.4 The Executive Committee will organize itself to carry out its responsibilities. In particular, it will appoint one of its members to act as the Chair.


Approved July 2021

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