MCA 2021
3rd Mathematical Congress of the Americas9 July 2021 MCA Awards Ceremony
12-16 July 2021 Sessions Week
19-23 July 2021 Main Week
The MCA 2021 will be a fully online event.
About The Event
Mathematical Congress of the Americas
The goal of the Mathematical Congress of the Americas (MCA) is to internationally highlight the excellence of mathematical achievements in the Americas and foster collaborations among researchers, students, institutions and mathematical societies in the Americas.
The 2021 edition is hosted (virtually) by
- Departamento de Matemática (FCEyN, UBA, Argentina)
- Instituto de Investigaciones Matemáticas Luis A. Santaló (FCEyN, UBA – Conicet, Argentina)

Welcome to MCA 2021!
We hope you will have a great conference, and that it will be a time for discovery and exploration.

Looking forward to meeting you!
There are more than 1000 confirmed participants from the Americas and the world. A great chance to make new friends and collaborators!
Mathematical Council of the Americas
The Mathematical Council of the Americas (MCofA) is a network for professional mathematical societies and research institutes based in the Americas, dedicated to promoting the development of mathematics, in all its aspects, throughout the continent. As a continental collaborative effort, special attention is given to cooperating with the Mathematical Union for Latin America and the Caribbean (UMALCA).
The MCofA aims to highlight the excellence of mathematical achievements in the Americas within the context of the international arena and to foster the scientific integration of all mathematical communities in the continent.
The MCofA organizes a quadrennial Mathematical Congress of the Americas (MCA) that rotates host countries throughout the continent.
Learn more about the MCofA here.

Plenary speakers

Ian Agol
University of California, Berkeley

Julia Chuzhoy
Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago

Carlos Kenig
University of Chicago

Allan Sly
Princeton University

Claire Voisin
Collège de France

Miguel Walsh
Universidad de Buenos Aires

Invited speakers
- Carolina Araujo Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada, Brasil
- Lai-Sang Young, New York University, USA
- Alice Chang, Princeton University, USA
- Carlos Di Prisco, Universidad de Los Andes, Colombia
- Ricardo R. Duran, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Jacob Fox, Stanford University, USA
- Irene Martínez Gamba, The University of Texas at Austin, USA
- Xavier Gomez-Mont, Centro de Investigaciones en Matemática, Mexico
- Richard Kenyon, Yale University, USA
- Bryna Kra, Northwestern University, USA
- Jorge Lauret, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina
- Ernesto Lupercio, Cinvestav-IPN, Mexico
- Davi Maximo, University of Pennsylvania, USA
- Rafael Potrie, Universidad de la República, Uruguay
- Julio Rossi, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Christiane Rousseau, Université de Montreal, Canada
- Jaime San Martín, Universidad de Chile, Chile
- Pablo Shmerkin, Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, Argentina
- Jacob Tsimerman, University of Toronto, Canada
- Lou van den Dries, University of Illinois, USA
- Mauricio Velasco, Universidad de los Andes, Colombia

Scientific Program Committee
The Scientific Program Committee is responsible for developing the scientific programming for the MCA 2021.
- Alejandro Adem, Chair
- Martin Barlow
- Maria Chudnovsky
- Alicia Dickenstein
- Shafi Goldwasser
- Alejandro Maass
- Alf Onshuus
- Paolo Piccione
- Jill Pipher
- Kannan Soundararajan
- Luz de Teresa

Local Organizing Committee
General Organization
- Andrea Solotar
- Guillermo Cortiñas
Link with the Department of Mathematics
- Daniel Carando
Link with the School of Sciences
- Julián Fernández Bonder
- Pablo Groisman
Virtuality team
- María Chara (UNL)
- Gastón García (UNLP)
- Iván Sadofschi (UBA)
- Santiago Laplagne
MCA awards
- Rodolfo Cossalter
- Noelia Cano
- Daniel Carando
- Constanza Sánchez de la Vega
Session Assistants
Emiliano Acri, Nicolás Agote, Guido Arnone, Agustín Barreto, Miguel Berasategui, Martin Blufstein, Lucía Busolini, Mariela Cañizares, Gonzalo Carabajal, Matías Ignacio Caruso, Cristian Arturo Chaparro, Mariano Chehebar, Lorena Correa, Cecilia De Vita, Nazareno Faillace, Tomás Fernández Vidal, Janou Glaeser, Leo Lerena, Juan Pablo Maldonado, Rocio Nores, Daniela Laura Parada, Santiago Ramírez, Sabrina Roscani, Jazmín Schmunis, Nicolás Sirolli, Pablo Andres Torres, Pablo Turco, Emilia Vayssier, Sebastian Velazquez