The Mathematical Council of the Americas (MCofA) welcomes nominations for the following prizes, which will be awarded on the occasion of the 2nd Mathematical Congress of the Americas (Montréal, Canada, July 24-28, 2017). Nominations must be submitted by e-mail, to the address, not later than December 15, 2016
The MCA Prize:
Five prizes of USD 1000 each will be awarded to mathematicians who are no more than 12 years past their PhD in July 2017. Eligibility for consideration of nominees requires that they either received their graduate education or that they currently hold a position in one or more countries in the Americas. The choice of the prize winners will be based on the documented mathematical achievements of the nominees. The nominations must include a justifying statement (up to 2 pages), the CV of the nominee and one additional letter of support. The winners will be invited to give a lecture on their work at the Congress.
The Americas Prize:
One prize of USD 5000 will be awarded to an individual or a group in recognition of their work to enhance collaboration and the development of research that links mathematicians in several countries in the Americas. The nominations must include a description (up to 4 pages) of the work and any relevant citations that justify the award of the Americas Prize. CVs of the nominees should be provided. There must be four co-nominators from at least two different countries.
The Solomon Lefschetz Medal:
Two medals with an award of USD 5000 will be given to mathematicians in recognition of their excellence in research and their contributions to the development of mathematics in a country or countries in the Americas. Nominations must include a justifying statement (up to 2 pages), and a brief paragraph that can be used in the announcement of the Medal, the CV of the nominee, and two additional supporting letters.
The selection of the winners will be made by the MCA 2017 Awards Subcommittee, which is appointed by the MCofA Executive Committee. In making their decisions the Awards Subcommittee will be guided by the information in the nominating material and detailed insights about the nominees’ professional accomplishments. It is important that the nominees’ most significant contributions and their impact be part of the nominating material. The Awards Subcommittee may also make nominations, if it chooses to do so. An individual may make up to two nominations in each category. Self nominations will not be accepted in any category. Nominations and requests for information concerning the nominating process should be sent by e-mail to The deadline for nominations is December 15, 2016.
Previous Winners- MCA 2013
The following mathematicians and organizations were distinguished by the Mathematical Council of the Americas at the Mathematical Congress of the Americas 2013:
MCA Prize
Andrés Navas (Chile)
Alf Onshuus (Colombia)
Victor Rivero (Mexico)
Eduardo Teixeira (Brazil)
Miguel Walsh (Argentina)
Americas Prize
Herbert Clemens (USA)
UMALCA – Mathematical Union of Latin America and the Caribbean
Solomon Lefschetz Medal
Luis Cafarelli (USA)
Jacob Palis (Brazil)